Saturday, March 20, 2010

Coconut Lemon Bars

I am a fan of the Lara Bar and have been trying to emulate the recipe for months now. I always end up with something equally delicious, but little resemblance to the Lara Bar. I had since forgotten about my fraudulent attempts and saw a Lemon Coconut Bar recipe by Ani Phyo that sounded inviting. However, I altered the recipe a bit, mainly swapping the almonds for walnuts. Low and behold it tuned out just like the Lara Bar... only better because it's fresh! They make a perfect power snack for hiking, road trips, or a day on the go. I am excited at this new recipe and I think their are many fun diversions to try. I can see goji berried in this particular recipe being a sweet addition. Any other Ideas?

Coconut Lemon Bars

-1 cup walnuts
-8-10 pitted Mejool dates
-seeds of 1 vanilla pod
-juice and zest of one lemon
-1 cup shredded coconut
-1-2 Tablespoon water if needed

Place all ingredients in food processor and pulse until texture is somewhat sticky but leaving small bits and pieces. Place mix on wax papered pan/plate and press flat with spatula to desired thickness. Chill for at least 2 hours, and best over night.

makes 10 bars

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